Pay As You Throw (PAYT) is a program suited for residential customers with curbside collection with individual bins or carts. Households are charged for their garbage collection according to the amount of waste generated. This program works similarly to how a person pays for utilities, such as electricity and water. By incentivizing recycling, this program helps reduce waste and create a greener future. For more information on PAYT, including service level pricing details and local information, please view the resources below.
$35.00/month + FMSC
$63.00/month + FMSC 80% above 32 gallon
$91.00/month +FMSC 160% above 32 gallons
*32 gallon and 96 gallon recycle options available, price is the same
Summit County Landfill List of Directories
Town of Breckenridge
Town of Frisco
High Country Conservation